aurora’s birth story
Having given birth early with her first, I was on my toes at 38 weeks for Nicole. I always begin the on-call point at 38 weeks but i take it a little more seriously when they’ve already had one early. 38 weeks came and went, and eventually onto 40 weeks. Nicole texted me right on her due date that evening that there was pressure, but only Braxton Hicks. I didn’t think much of it until she text me 20 minutes later that her water broke. I got all my stuff together, and when I got the text about 20 minutes later that contractions were already 3 minutes, I high-tailed out.
I arrived to the birth center at about 7:30 PM. The room was calm. the water filled the tub. I knew it wouldn’t be long. By observing Nicole’s contractions. I figured she was still early active labor. I like to give moms (and dads) their space during labor so that they can move about freely, comfortably, without any inhibitions. I spent the next 2 hours popping in and out of the room and each time I could tell she was progressing. each contraction brought her baby closer to her.
Each contraction. Every rush. She was calm, but fierce. She moved around to find a comfortable position.
“Go get the midwife, i feel like i need to push”
the midwives made some yummy food for them post-birth. how cool is that?
9 pounds and 5 ounces of delicious chunky baby.
The birth of baby A was so amazing to attend. Women trusting their bodies, and working with their body to bring their baby earth side is such a beautiful thing to witness. The transformation of a mother.